Segment Tree 线段树
一个区间的例子是对于 nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
但是如果 nums 会被修改呢?比如:
- 把第 i 个元素修改成 x
- 把第 i 个元素增加 x
- 把区间 [i, j] 内的元素都增加 x
此时,如果我们再使用「前缀和」,就没那么高效了。因为每一次更新,前缀和数组必须也随之更新,时间复杂度为 O(n)。
一个区间的例子是对于 nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
但是如果 nums 会被修改呢?比如:
此时,如果我们再使用「前缀和」,就没那么高效了。因为每一次更新,前缀和数组必须也随之更新,时间复杂度为 O(n)。
[0, len-1]
这个闭区间,还是 [0, len)
这个开区间.while(left <= right)
;如果是开区间,则使用while(left < right)
需要等于搜索。if(nums[mid] == target) return mid;
判断返回。if (nums[mid] == target) right = mid - 1;
锁定左侧边界,返回值为:return nums[left] == target ? left : -1;
if (nums[mid] == target) left = mid + 1;
锁定右侧边界,返回值为:nums[right] == target ? right : -1;
堆排序的平均时间复杂度为 Ο(nlogn)。
In abraction, solving a backtracking problem is acutally iterating a decision tree. Every node of a tree has a valid answer and we traversing the tree to collect all the valid answers. 抽象地说,解决一个回溯问题,实际上就是遍历一棵决策树的过程,树的每个叶子节点存放着一个合法答案。你把整棵树遍历一遍,把叶子节点上的答案都收集起来,就能得到所有的合法答案。
This article is concluded from this article in Chinese.
Cheatsheet: Steps to solve binary tree questions
There are only two ways to storage the data, the Array and the Linked list. All the other data structures are developed based on them.
Arrays, due to their compact and contiguous storage, allow for random access, enabling quick retrieval of elements by index. Moreover, they are relatively space-efficient. However, because of their contiguous storage, memory space must be allocated all at once. This means that if you want to expand an array, you need to reallocate a larger block of memory and copy all the data to it, resulting in a time complexity of O(N). Additionally, if you want to insert or delete elements in the middle of an array, you must shift all the data behind it to maintain continuity, also resulting in a time complexity of O(N).
This blog records the solutions I made for the Dynamic Programming questions from Leetcode.
Firstly, find out the transformation function for the problem.
Then, from the starting point to calculate the results by iterating the array.